I stand on the balcony of my apartment in Saska Kepa district of Warsaw. I look at the world around. From the first floor I see people passing by the sidewalk below. Characters seen from above walk individually, in twos, with or without a dog. Sometimes they ride a bicycle, a scooter, sometimes they toddle with a cane, or are pushed on a wheelchair. Smiling, sad, thoughtful, sometimes staring at telephones, young and old. Residents of the neighbourhood or random guests, Poles and foreigners. Ordinary pedestrians. Sometimes someone stops at my balcony, we talk.
It came to my mind that it was a perfect opportunity to make a film. What would happen if I put a camera on the balcony, and talk to passers-by? Would they still want to talk? I decided to check and... it worked! I noticed that people have a great need to tell about themselves. When listening to them carefully, even the unusual "balcony" style of conversation doesn’t bother. The world seen slightly from above is even a bit more interesting, and this point of view doesn’t diminish the problems of the people below at all. On the contrary, from the balcony you can see more!